Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Inopinado Invierno

                          Hoy se cumple 1. 1 es 1 y 2. Ese 1 es a su vez 1 y 2. No obstante, 2 es solo eso, 2. 

                                                                  No hay más subdivisiones. 

1 sub 1 sub 1 fue la puerta que no pude abrir.                                           Solo dos la que se abrió
                 la de la llave que perdí                                                                             de  (e)
        la puerta espejo en la que me reflejé                                                                par (a)
             el pasillo oscuro en el que caí                                                                      en  (e)
                   la vida que atrás dejé                                                                             par (a)

Hojas aplastadas en el cuaderno negro                                                    El tiempo y su paso veloz
 me precipita a esta maratón sensible                                                    reflejo de algo no tan oscuro
    de una realidad plateada y difusa                                                         en la que no hay vencedor

                                                                          SOLO YO
                                                            (de una precisión quirúrgica)
SÁLVAME                                                             (la herida)                                                SÁLVAME

Monday, May 2, 2016

Ong Namo

Sometimes, warriors most difficult battles occur in their very inside. Sitting in the forest, heading south and holding padmasana He prepares to face his deepest demons. It's been a long way, he thoughts, and today we die together.
While the wind blows his long and shabby hair, he takes a deep breath. The air starts to fill his lungs, his muscles, and as he holds the breath he raises his hands and join them making a fountain shaped form. Slowly, he breathes out a dense black coloured fluid that falls into his hands. Frightened, the warrior inhale again but all what comes from his inside is corrupted.
It's been a long way, he toughts again, while his breathes starts to get faster and shallowed. He feels that his lungs can't resist, that he's suffocating, but he focus on his frown and closes his eyes. After a while, he open his eyes again and sees that now long, thin and silver air is flowing from his mouth. As he looks down he realizes that his hands are overflowing with the strange and shiny essence. In it's reflection, he saw her, he saw the pain. Furiously shaking his body he raises his hands again and connect them with the infinite. He takes a long breathe and after he exhales, he falls unconscious.

The forest voice, slowly carrying the sky draindrops, caress his naked back.

Flor de menta 3

Hoy, la flor aplastada entre las hojas del cuaderno se seca ante la luz de un sol antes difuso. Sus hojas adquieren de a poco un color anaranjado, mientras que el violeta de sus pétalos pierden el brillo que antaño les diste. Hoy, la flor marchita se desprende de su tallo para permitir el surgimiento de una nueva vida.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Holy BAJÓN 2.0

Those were good times, times where freedom rules our lives. We were backpacking with another couple, going through the route of the seven lakes. Our arrival to Puerto Varas presaged the end of our trip, so we spent those days enjoying all the luxurys that our remaining money allowed us.

One night the four of us decided to went out for some drinks and we finished partying in a local bar. The "Escudos" were sweeter and tastier that night, as our palates hadn't tasted any kind of drink that wasn't water in the past week. As the night falls, hours started to pass by and the drinks and substances to affect our bodys. At a certain moment, we decided to go back to our camping and started to walk towards it. We got kind of lost and tooked the wrong way but we didn't really care.

When we were walking, we passed by a place called "The Bajón 2.0". The speciality of "the bajón" was that you can build your own taste sandwich or hot dog, it was totally free. We were totally in the mood of getting a "bajón" so we decided to eat some sandwichs and french fries.You know I'm vegetarian, so my choice was a sautéed onion sandwich with pickles, fried egg, merkén and sweet pepper. The sandwichs were great and not expensive at all but the greatest part was that the owner of the place first started to gave us a high variety of sauces like merkén mayonnaise, american sauce, honey mustard and so on.

We were having a really good time but the best part cames when the owner told us he was magician. Right after that he takes out some playing card and started to do the most amazing magic tricks I've ever seen. We were really stoned so we totally freaked out and have the best time in a while. I really miss those times and I hope some day I could go back to the mythical "Bajón 2.0". If you visit Puerto Varas, its placed in Colón street and opens in nights. Tell the owner that I'm sending you, maybe you get some disccount :)

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Activity 1

Hi guys! How are you? Today I'm gonna talk about an activity from unit 3.

In the first place, we were asked to choose for some items in an online shopping website with certain budgets of money. For $799,28 I've chosen the CyberpowerPC Business Instrinsic BII300. We are talking about serious computers here guys, master gaming machines crafted to run a high variety of games and applications. Now for placing the computer, I've founded the Avenue Greene Hobby Desk, that for a reasonable amount of $147,99 makes the perfect choice for someone who also loves to have space for placing books and all kind of stuff.

Now, for the second part of the activity I made an online test about internet addiction. There were varied questions that mainly wanted to test your control upon the hours a day you spent surfing in the internet. My results were that I was Mild, meaning that I'm an average online user who has control over its usage. I think that I'm maybe more than just an average user, because I actually spent a lot of hours a week online but its true that I've always prefered direct contact with people or partys over the time online. Also I think I have a great self-control so in that way the test result may be right.

After that I made a gap-filling activity about the MP3 players. I think that's kind of out-of-date to talk about MP3 players but, whatever. The activity was fine and I learnt a lot about specific words to refer to MP3s.

Finally, I chose an article from how stuff works that talks about the nature of dreams and the activity that dreaming means. Dreams are very complex for us to understand, and despite of all our technology and science researches we don't know for sure what happens when we dream. Anyways, we actually know that when dreams happens, most of our body's phisiologycal functions work the same way the would if we weren't dreaming. Another interesting thing about dreams is the fact that we don't usually remember what we dream. Again, science didn't have an answer for this problem, but we can weave some theorys about it and about the complex nature of dreams.

For me dreams are just a very strange field that gives you all kind of possibilities. I think that they are really a space where we can experience modified states of consciousness whitout being even awake. There are lots of people that practice very hard to improve the amount of control they had over their dreams. That discipline makes possible the idea of lucid dreaming, wich gives dreamers the possibility to perceive that they are actually dreaming and start making changes in their dreams. We are talking about something huge here, about the idea of building realities in a space that exist as long as you are actually asleep. Some psychonauts and dream explorers actually believe that this creating ability can help you solve most complex psychological problems, and improve your self-esteem.

Regardless of the truth of this theories, I think that the nature of our dreams make possible for us to state that dreams can be what you want them to be. Remembering your dreams, as well as trying to understand them, can help you a lot to improve in knowing and feeling better with yourself.

Let me know your impressions about dreams and all we can experience with and within them!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Flor de Menta

   Sentados frente a frente, sintiendo el pasto bajo nuestras piernas, nos encontramos de forma real por primera vez. En silencio y desprovistos de cualquier tipo de comunicación oral, nos gritamos el uno al otro al mismo tiempo que fusionamos el caos que reina en nuestro interior.

   Hoy, años después, nos volvemos a reunir en este ritual de fagocitosis. Y es que siento que entre este y aquel día el tiempo se detuvo, y que todo lo que creíamos una vida no fue sino la prolongación estática de una conversación carente de lenguaje.

   Hoy, la vida se me presenta tal cual es; finita, efímera, egocéntrica. Empiezo a entender que el ritual no comienza con el nacimiento ni finaliza con la muerte. Siento dentro de mi el fin como el inicio del ciclo, y el inicio como una forma de fin, como la muerte.

   Hoy, sentados en el mismo lugar, la muerte, tú, muerte, viene a dar origen a un nuevo ciclo. Ella me revela que en su acto creativo estira lo finito hasta concebir lo interminable, hasta unirnos en una red infinita.

   Hoy, y por última vez, me hundo en el azul de tus ojos, en lo más profundo de ti. Hoy, el tiempo reinicia su paso mientras encuentro por fin palabras para hablarte. Hoy, nuestros infinitos se unen en un último beso, se unen de forma abismante pero bella, genuina. Hoy, la flor aplastada entre las páginas del cuaderno brilla de muerte y de color para recordarnos que no existe algo así como la separación y que los ciclos se construyen en base a lo anterior, al pasado. Hoy, me retiro en silencio y entro en este vacío torturador donde la muerte me dará una nueva vida.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Reader's Paradise

This post's mainly dedicated to the reading lovers out there in the internet. Let's be honest guys, we live in Chile, one of the countries with the highest prices for books in the world. We can argue against this fact, against taxes and the fact that this is a problem that harms our cultural improvement. But again, lets be honest, while you are reading this nobody's giving a thing about changing this situation.

So, here we are, lacking of money and hungry for those novels, tales and poems that keep us alive and beeing who we really are. So, what do we do now? Don't worry fellas, I've brought you the solution. It's time for you to get introduced to the amazing Kindle!

Kindle is a tablet-like electronic device that allow us to keep and read our favourite books everywhere and everytime we want to! The device itself replicate a book's page, combining smooth light effects that don't damage your eyes with an elegant and simple interface that allows you to manage your digital library.

I really love this tiny reading tablet. Obviously, I'll always prefer the feel and smell of paper, but I can tell you that since I've bought this on 2013 I've saved lots of money and read way more books than what I would've read without it. So what are you waiting guys? When I've bought the Kindle it costs me like 50.000 pesos and, you know, a single book here in Chile can cost you between 5.000 and 15.000 pesos. It's a nice deal as you can see!

If you have any more doubts about this device, feel free to ask them in the comment section below! 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The traveller's Stomach ache

I've told you that I love backpacking. Every year, I wait a lot for the summer to come and the trip to start. When it begins, the south of Chile is my main destination, but this summer i had the chance to travel to Perú. It was one of the best cultural experiences of my life, and it also taught me what autonomy and being freely by my own was all about. Obviously, we couldn't lost the opportunity to visit the famous place of Perú. Yeah, I'm talking about Machu Picchu.

I was travelling with 4 friends and we decided to take a trip trough the peruvian jungle to get to Machu Picchu after 4 days of hiking and sailing rivers. I can tell you that jungle is amazing! We had long walking days visiting local farms where native people produce an extremely high variety of exotic fruits like pineapples, mangos, cacao and a lot of coca. We also had the opportunity to see some monkeys that lived in a house roof. Finally, after being bitted by all jungle mosquitoes and having 3 days of constant raining we get ourselves to Aguas Calientes, the town that's below the ancient Inca City.

We thought that everything was fine, but the morning that we started hiking to Machu Picchu everything went wrong. There we are, at 5 am waiting in line for our entrance to the city when a torrential rian started to fall. The way upside Machu Picchu has near 1000 steps, so you can imagine that doing that being hitted by the strongest rain of your life is not very nice. Anyways, we got to the top and we started visiting the city. I can tell you that its a magical place. You can feel its ancient energy and see some of the Inca's most advanced technology. Sadly for us, we were all wet and tired so we didn't take so many pictures, considering that the day wasn't appropiate for cameras and all that stuff. But suddenly the sky became clearer and I had the chance to took this photo with my 3.2 MP camera so you can understand that's not so good quality. Anyways, I love this picture because it remembers me what the trip was all about, it remembers me that the important thing after all was not the pictures or the nice restaurants and hotels but the chance to travel, meet people from all over the world and being in touch with one of the ancient cultures of our planet.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Who is he?

His name is Matías Plass, but he often calls himself Sebastián Dadá. He lives, or thats what he thinks. He uses a Mala in his right hand and a ring on his right index. At the age of 16 he founds a big "pollito" spider and kept it as a pet, calling it Froyd because Freud was alredy taken. Today, he studies Sociology in the University of Chile, after studying a year of  Law in the same university. He specially enjoys practicing Yoga. He thinks that an ecological philosofy must include a respectful way of humans living with their nature enviroment and animals. He would love to be better at using photoshop. He also likes to write and to read, but the daily routine make those loves very difficult to perform. He loves backpacking, seriously, he really loves that.

Now he doesn't know what to add, so he's posting this before it's too late.
Welcome to his english class blog!